Wa Heyamah by "Wa Heyamah" is Iraqi song released on 12 January 2021 in the official channel of the record label - "Rotana" "Wa Heyamah" is sung by

Wa Heyamah by Majid Al Mohandis from Iraq

"Wa Heyamah" atop the Top 100 Songs Chart for 2 total days.

Lyrics & Translations of Wa Heyamah by Majid Al Mohandis
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كلمات وآهيامه
Explore Wa Heyamah lyrics, translations, and song facts
الممثل أحمد زاهر يتلقى تهديدات بالقتل بعد نشر مسلسل البرنس
2021-01-08T14:12:19Z Comment by Ibrahem Zedan Find all daily charts -
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اغنية مو حبيبي انت زادي والهوى كلمات

The original name of the music video "Wa Heyamah" is "MAJID AL MOHANDIS.

كلمات اغنية وآهيامه ماجد المهندس
Discover exclusive information about "Wa Heyamah"
كلمات اغنية واهيامه ماجد المهندس
Holding Out For A Hero
كلمات اغنية وآهيامه
"Wa Heyamah" Facts "Wa Heyamah" has reached 23
The song appeared 45 total times in the Top 10 ; 57 total times in the Top 20 ; 154 total times in the Top 100 ; The worst charting place of the entry is 100 "Wa Heyamah"'s composer, lyrics, arrangement, streaming platforms, and so on
7k Likes, 1,726 Comments -•• Earnings and Net Worth accumulated by sponsorships and other sources according to information found in the internet How many times the Iraqi song appeared in music charts compiled by Popnable? 2021-01-04T21:48:50Z Comment by Ehab Elromy

كلمات اغنية وآهيامه

"Wa Heyamah" is Iraqi song, performed in Arabic.

اغنية مو حبيبي انت زادي والهوى كلمات
"Wa Heyamah " is well-known music video that took placements in popular top charts, such as Top 100 Iraq Music Chart , Top 40 Iraqi Songs Chart, and more
حبيبتي انتي
Find who are the producer and director of this music video
Wa Heyamah by Majid Al Mohandis from Iraq