at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University | Each box has a ring from which depends a |
Ibn Fadlan's Reisebericht in German |
Editions and translations [ ] In chronological order• Some scholars believe that it took place in the modern.
4, a main character from , as well as her betrothed, , are said to be descendants of Ahmad ibn Fadlan | Ibn Fadlan and the Land of Darkness: Arab Travellers in the Far North |
Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies | "Review of Frye 2005 " |
The embassy [ ] Ibn Fadlan was sent from in 921 to serve as the secretary to an ambassador from the to the vassal-king under the of the ,.
9Leaving the city of near the , they crossed lands belonging to a variety of Turkic peoples, notably the , on the east coast of the Caspian, the on the and the in what is now central Russia, but the largest portion of his account is dedicated to the , i | When they arrived, Ibn Fadlan read aloud a letter from the caliph to the Bulgar and presented him with gifts from the caliphate |
Ibn Fadlan served as the group's religious advisor and lead counselor for Islamic religious doctrine and law | the [ ] on the |
Consequently, many of the peoples and societies to Ibn Fadlan were "like asses gone astray.