Then He turned to them, that they might repent: for Allah is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful Indeed Allah is the All-clement, the All-merciful
He is the Relenting, the Merciful

قصة آية

He turned in mercy also to the three who were left behind; they felt guilty to such a degree that the earth seemed constrained to them, for all its spaciousness, and their very souls seemed straitened to them,- and they perceived that there is no fleeing from Allah and no refuge but to Himself.

وقفات مع قصة كعب بن مالك رضي الله عنه
When the earth became narrow for them with [all] its expanse, and their own souls weighed heavily on them, and they knew that there was no refuge from Allah except in Him, then He turned clemently toward them so that they might be penitent
آیه 118 سوره توبه
And to the three also did He turn in mercy who were left behind, when the earth, vast as it is, was straitened for them, and their own souls were straitened for them till they bethought them that there is no refuge from Allah save toward Him
الثلاثة الذين خلفوا: قصتهم وكيف تاب الله عليهم؟
Then turned He unto them in mercy that they too might turn repentant unto Him
And to the three who were left behind, until the earth became strait to them notwithstanding its spaciousness and their souls were also straitened to them; and they knew it for certain that there was no refuge from Allah but in Him; then He turned to them mercifully that they might turn to Him ; surely Allah is the Oft-returning to mercy , the Merciful

قصة الثلاثة الذين خلفوا


وقفات مع قصة كعب بن مالك رضي الله عنه
قصة آية
محاضرات رمضانية: الثلاثة الذين خلفوا

من هم الثلاثة الذين تخلفوا عن غزوة تبوك القصة كاملة


وعلى الثلاثة الذين خلفوا
الموقع الرسمي للشيخ سعد الخثلان
قصة آية