Note: every time you select a filter, the comparison program will find the cheapest health providers in your situation, and sort them by monthly premium Step 3: Choose a deductible excess Select the deductible excess
A higher excess will result in a lower premium but also has some disadvantages There are some conditions which must be met in order to claim a financial compensation


The average premium is about 110 euro per month for basic health care.

تأمين صحي
Income may not exceed 29
التأمين الصحي
You risk a fine if you wait too long
أفضل التأمين الصحي و التأمين الطبي في الأردن
Needless to say, the insurance premium will increase or decrease based on your preferences and chosen cover
Emergency medical care abroad according to Dutch standards and tariffs Insurance premium An insurance premium is to be paid to the insurance company every month Even if you have a part-time job or paid internship
Health insurance in The Netherlands If you work in The Netherlands you are required to apply for a basic health insurance 885 euro for families 2019 The maximum financial compensation is 99 euro per month in 2019

التأمين الصحي

Only after you have paid the amount the insurance company will reimburse any further costs.

مسرد مصطلحات الفواتير والتأمين الصحي
Obligation Are you unsure whether it is mandatory for you to apply for a Dutch health insurance plan, for example, when you are a student? Have a residence permit and a BSN burger service nummer• 562 euro for singles or 37
The overview above shows Dutch insurance providers and their monthly premiums for basic healthcare
أفضل التأمين الصحي و التأمين الطبي في الأردن
Dental care until the age of 18• Treatments in other countries may be more expensive, meaning you need to pay a percentage of the bill yourself