learn basic stuff like well-known poems How to deal with a plateau• decide your approach, digital notes or paper notes? immerse and learn like a kid• play online games like memrise, quizlet, anki, clozemaster etc
research the problem on google and look for solutions• ask on HiNative your question• write them on sticky notes and place them around the house• set a period of time where you speak just in your target language• take notes on a whiteboard• write texts with the new words• ask on the forum from duolingo• These tips are from more than 1 person so feel free to choose the ones that you think work best for you find songs that you listen to daily• ask a teacher How to revise• force yourself to think in the language• learn words from lists of words from the internet• make posts on tumblr Culture• learn new words when you encounter them Grammar• research facts about the language• watch videos on youtube about grammar• make lists with what you remember• review with apps like memrise, quizlet, anki etc

محمد الشعيبي في أول تعليق بعد فقدانه شقيقته.. ترك كلمات مؤثرة


دعاء ليلة القدر في 27 رمضان 2021
سلسلة قصص هلهولة
كلام عن الصديقة توتير

اللهم العوض في كل شي


لالـــئ المــَرجــان — اللهُـــم الــعوض ّالجميل بعد الصبر الطويلِ اللهُم...
قرآني حياتِي — اللهُم انصر إخواننا المسلمين في فلسطين وفي كل...
اللهم العوض في كل شي