In all cases, melting of solid rock requires high temperature, and also or other which act as a by lowering the temperature of the rock | Once a metamorphic rock is melted it is no longer a metamorphic rock and is a magma, so these rocks are seen as a transitional between the two, but are not technically granite as they do not actually intrude into other rocks |
In-situ granitisation or melting by metamorphism is difficult to recognise except where and textures are present in | Kumagai, Naoichi 15 February 1978 |
Use Impacts on Soil Quality• Physical Geography: Great Systems and Global Environments.
9United States Environmental Protection Agency | Journal of the Society of Materials Science Japan |
Zheng, Yong-Fei; Chen, Ren-Xu 2017-09 | "Reviving Antiquity with Granite: Spolia and the Development of Roman Renaissance Architecture" |
The production of granite by metamorphic heat is difficult, but is observed to occur in certain and terrains.