In reply to this it was pointed out that it was not God's will to compel all human beings to follow one and the same way This observation was followed by a passing reference to the subject with which the discourse opened
The word Kursi has been variously interpreted by Muslim scholars They are being told that, far from anyone having the power to impose his will on God, none - not even the greatest Prophets and the most highly esteemed angels - will dare utter one word in the majestic court of the Lord unless they are expressly permitted to do so

معنى و ترجمة جملة سنة نوم قصرية في القاموس ومعجم اللغة العربية

And they cannot comprehend anything of His knowledge save whatever He Himself pleases to reveal.

تفسير قوله تعالى لا تأخذه سنة ولا نوم
Kursinya meliputi langit dan bumi ada yang mengatakan bahwa maksudnya ialah ilmu-Nya, ada pula yang mengatakan kekuasaan-Nya, dan ada pula Kursi itu sendiri yang mencakup langit dan bumi, karena kebesaran-Nya, berdasarkan sebuah hadis, "Tidaklah langit yang tujuh pada kursi itu, kecuali seperti tujuh buah uang dirham yang dicampakkan ke dalam sebuah pasukan besar Dan tidaklah berat bagi-Nya memelihara keduanya , artinya memelihara langit dan bumi itu dan Dia Maha Tinggi sehingga menguasai semua makhluk-Nya, lagi Maha Besar
قاموس ترجمان
Milik-Nyalah segala yang terdapat di langit dan di bumi sebagai kepunyaan, ciptaan dan hamba-Nya
No one's knowledge embraces all the facts of the universe
中国语文 - Ma Jian : 真主,除他外绝无应受崇拜的;他是永生不灭的,是维护万物的;瞌睡不能侵犯他,睡眠不能克服他;天地万物都是他的;不经他的许可,谁能在他那里替人说情呢?他知道他们面前的事,和他们身後的事;除他所启示的外,他们绝不能窥测他的玄妙;他的知觉,包罗天地。 This was followed by the clarification of a misunderstanding which often arises in the minds of ignorant people Tabari, Qurtubi, Ibn Kathir and Shawkani on this verse
The Arabic term kursi signifies sovereignty, dominion and authority He alone is the Supreme and the Exalted

قاموس معاجم: معنى و شرح نوم في معجم عربي عربي أو قاموس عربي عربي وأفضل قواميس اللغة العربية

In fact, He is not only self-existent, but upon Him rests the entire order of the universe.

قاموس ترجمان
Here another blow is struck against polytheism
لا تأخذه سنة ولا نوم،. ما هي السِنَة؟!
, a contemporary of Mawdudi and one of the most influential Islamic thinkers of our time, has interpreted the verse exactly, as Mawdudi did - Ed
معنى سنة ولا نوم , تفسير جزء من اية الكرسي في سورة البقرة
If someone did have the right to interfere even in only a part of the universe, and if his suggestions were of necessity to be put into eflect, the entire order of the universe would be disrupted