The applicant age must not be less than 18 years or above 60 years Modify contribution category or discontinue contribution 1
The contributor may apply for changing his choice of the contributory income category to the immediately higher or any lower one Having a contribution period no less than 120 months

نموذج عمليات المشترك التأمينات الاجتماعية؟

If the contributor started contributing before he reached the age of 50 or above, the disability must has sustained while having a contribution period no less than 24 consecutive months or 36 inconsecutive months after his actual registration date with GOSI.

General Organization for Social Insurance
II: Early retirement pension: The contributor is entitled to this pension before reaching the age of sixty according to the following conditions: 1
نموذج الافصاح الطبي الموحد
A medical report competed on form No
نموذج عمليات المشترك word؟
If the contributor started contributing before he reached the age of 50, the disability must has sustained while having a contribution period no less than 12 consecutive months or 18 inconsecutive months after his actual registration date with GOSI
Having a contribution period no less than 300 months If the contributor started contributing before he reached the age of 50, he must have a contribution period no less than three consecutive months or six inconsecutive months after his actual registration date with GOSI
Apply for contribution on form No The contributor may apply for discontinuing his contribution

نموذج عمليات التعويضات وورد 1442

If the contributor started contributing at the age of 50 or above, he must have a contribution period no less than 12 consecutive months or 18 inconsecutive months after his actual registration date with GOSI.

نموذج الافصاح الطبي الموحد
نموذج تحديث بيانات التامينات الاجتماعية
As for the contributor who had a contribution period under the Annuities Branch and was discontinued, he may only submit form No
نموذج تحديث بيانات التامينات الاجتماعية
The death pension is calculated with the same method of calculating the non-occupational disability pension