2 : Artistic impression of the Solar System, with all known terrestrial planets, as giants, and dwarf planets 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
The Proceedings of the IAU 8th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, Volume I SSH 8-1, CiteID 1136, DOI 10

Al Moqatel

"The origin and evolution of the solar system".

المجموعة الشمسية
; Roberts, Julie; Tholen, David J
قائمة أجرام المجموعة الشمسية مرتبة حسب الحجم
"A Geometric Determination of the Distance to the Galactic Center"
ترتيب الكواكب حسب قربها من الشمس .. أبعد الكواكب عن الشمس بالترتيب
"The Moon's actual path is a wiggly line around the Sun, with it moving faster when it is slightly farther out at full Moon and more slowly when it is slightly closer at new Moon ," said Lee Anne Willson of Iowa State University
"The mass of Himalia from the perturbations on other satellites" ; Saturn's moon Phoebe as a captured body from the outer Solar System, Nature, Vol
The Moon is now moving away from Earth and by then will be in an orbit that's about 40 percent larger than today Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society

الأرض أحد كواكب المجموعة الشمسية و تعد هي الكوكب الأول قربا للشمس

It will be the first to warp under the Sun's influence.

كوكب خارج المجموعة الشمسية
"So the gas drag is more effective at the farther part of the orbit and this will put the Moon into an orbit where the new Moon is closer to Earth than the full Moon
ترتيب الكواكب حسب قربها من الشمس .. أبعد الكواكب عن الشمس بالترتيب
"Chondrule-forming Shock Fronts in the Solar Nebula: A Possible Unified Scenario for Planet and Chondrite Formation"
الأرض أحد كواكب المجموعة الشمسية و تعد هي الكوكب الأول قربا للشمس
"Physical properties of 2 Pallas"