Helium does not solidify at a pressure of one atmosphere Helium does not solidify at a pressure of one atmosphere
Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences "Melting Points of Aluminum, Silver, Gold, Copper, and Platinum"

نقطة الانصهار

by Thomas Carnelley Harrison, London, 1885—1887•.

Helium can only solidify at pressures above 25 atmospheres, which corresponds to a melting point of absolute zero
حرارة كامنة
by Thomas Carnelley Harrison, London, 1885—1887
تحولات المادة
Helium can only solidify at pressures above 25 atmospheres, which corresponds to a melting point of absolute zero
by Thomas Carnelley Harrison, London, 1885—1887• Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences by Thomas Carnelley Harrison, London, 1885—1887
"Melting Points of Aluminum, Silver, Gold, Copper, and Platinum"

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