Breathing through the mouth instead of the nose can lead to more than just dry tongues and palates
"Multilevel Coblation Therapy of OSA in Long Face Syndrome" Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal

متلازمة الوجه الطويل


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Krishnan, Vinod; Davidovitch, Ze'ev March 18, 2004
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Morgan, Rachel August 14, 2017
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Holohan, Ellin May 5, 2010
Chronic mouth breathers, most often children with allergies, have problems getting enough oxygen into their blood, which affects their size, weight, sleep and even school performance
In addition, it is important to appreciate that many children with OSA have dentofacial abnormalities such as maxillomandibular constriction, maxillomandibular deficiency, and long face syndrome See Schendel, Steven; Bell, William Harrison; Eisenfeld, Jerome; Miselevich, David; Epker, William 1976

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