Our beautiful apps and responsive design are inspired by thousands of design sessions with learners and instructors Offer tests and exams online with academic integrity
Easily post announcements, links to content, and assignments on a single page without having to juggle multiple tools Rely on world-class security and data privacy

نظام إدارة التعلم الإلكتروني للمدارس

Prepare learners for the future with D2L to back you up.

إدارة المحتوى التعليمي
Students love this feedback, and it gives you more time for one-on-one coaching
مفهوم أنظمة إدارة التعلم .
Offer anywhere, anytime learning—on any device
إدارة المحتوى التعليمي
But because of incremental changes, they are better able to help faculty and students to get used to new updates
Brightspace is updated monthly, allowing CCNB to get the latest tools as quickly as possible, pushed out automatically across all devices Boston: Course Tech PTR, 2012
With an impressive track record of security leadership, D2L is the only leading higher ed learning platform that is ISO27001- and ISO27018-certified We are the learning platform provider that has a very large team of learning experts who are genuinely committed to helping you build world-class learning experiences

منصة إدارة التعلم…خصائص نظام إدارة التعلم الإلكتروني

The Brightspace platform is designed to help you provide the highest-quality learning with robust options for feedback, tools to inspire, engage, and enhance collaboration.

منصة إدارة التعلم…خصائص نظام إدارة التعلم الإلكتروني
This results in an intuitive and enjoyable experience for everyone and reduces the anxiety that can occur when learning a new system
نظام إدارة التعلم (LMS)
In 2013, D2L was honored with a Dr
نظام_إدارة_التعلم : definition of نظام_إدارة_التعلم and synonyms of نظام_إدارة_التعلم (Arabic)
At D2L, supporting our clients in the building of the best-quality learning experiences has been our commitment for over 20 years