You are a grown up with a life of your own Also, given the current state of the economy, the whole section on saying "No" in job situations is completely laughable and unrealistic
While there are enough of these that some will strike a chord with any reader, the book falls flat by ignoring what would probably draw many people to it in the first place - what to do if your "No" is Billed as "250 ways to say it - and mean it - and stop people-pleasing forever," I read this out of curiosity To mark matters worse, you,ve convinced yourself that you are support to be there for them, that it is your job to keep the peace

عشر عبارات عليك أن تقولها في محادثات العمل • زد

It's a very good book, but I think it would be helpful if the author put fewer scenarios and place it with some other advices that could help the reader.

إثبات الأنبياء
The author fails to address the long process involved or how to respond when those people demanding you do something refuse to accept your "No" the first time
دعاء قبل الإمتحان
11 each time you agree when you don,t want to, you give up a piece of yourself
غزارة الدورة الشهرية: أسبابها وأعراضها وطرق علاج نزيف الدورة الشهرية
There is too much left over that holds no interest making it painful to try to read them all
She's bound to ask what your drama is
I recommend going thru the TOC and picking those scenarios most relevant to you after reading the ma This book masterfully covers the reasons we agree to do things people ask us to do and why we initially say yes when we want to say no A healthy dose of realism for those who tend to give too much to others because they think they owe it to others to do so

أفضل ١٧ فيلم لقضاء سهرة رائعة برفقة زوجك

This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.

٨ لاءات ضرورية في يومك ينبغي أن تقولها لنفسك • زد
I love the idea of establishing personal boundaries and taking control back over life
حكايات الجدة
If you struggle with boundaries, this is a very practical and straightforward self help book
دعاء قبل الإمتحان
2 the damage done by saying yes indiscriminately affects you much more than your refusals affect the people you turn down