Enter your username and password Select [My Commercial Registrations] and then select [Issue Commercial Registry]
Complete filling in the data for the fiscal year, capital, facility address, and contact information• elect the activity at level 1, 2, and 3

شروط فتح مؤسسة تجارية وطريقة فتح المؤسسة بدون محل

If the copyright owner or you don't like to seeing a summary of the images displayed on this blog you can report to Google so that the following posts are not displayed by Google or another search engine.

خطوات فتح مؤسسة تجارية في السعودية وشروط فتح سجل تجاري للنساء والرجال
The following image below is a display of images that come from various sources
خطوات فتح مؤسسة تجارية في السعودية وشروط فتح سجل تجاري للنساء والرجال
Should not be a government employee
اجراءات فتح محل تجاري في السعودية
Select the type of trade name from the options reserved name, existing name, personal name• To find out more complete and clear information or images, you can visit the source directly by clicking the link below the image
After verifying your identity, you will be redirected to the main page Choose the activity level First, Second or Third
Confirm the request and select [send] An e-service provided by the Ministry of Commerce, which enables beneficiaries to request and approve the issuance of a commercial registry and acquire a membership number in the Chamber of Commerce, without having to visit the branches of the Ministry

فتح الحساب الجاري بطريقة رقمية

The commercial registration period between one to five years.

شروط فتح مؤسسة تجارية
The copyright of the image is owned by the owner, this website only displays a few snippets of several keywords that are put together in a post summary
اجراءات فتح محل تجاري في السعودية
Record all data related to fiscal year, capital, facility address and contact information
خطوات فتح مؤسسة تجارية في السعودية وشروط فتح سجل تجاري للنساء والرجال
Limit the commercial registration period from one to five years