, PBS Frontline, March 2, 2010 Hence, we can say that the computer is one of the greatest inventions that have appear ed recently, and have benefited all of humanity
Jost Wolf Texte , Roland Gerth und Christian Heeb Bilder : Faszinierende Schweiz Presence Switzerland, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs

الثلوج تزيل غبار الركود عن

von Matt, Peter: Das Kalb vor der Gotthardpost.

المواد الغذائية في سويسرا
Swiss Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss, Swiss Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA, Swiss Confederation
بوابة الديار الإلكترونيه
maxon motor ag 4 January 2004
الثلوج تزيل غبار الركود عن
There is also a set of household responsibilities that must be performed, including washing utensils and dishes, participating in preparing food, and cleaning the house
Swiss Confederation 2010 , p All of this will help me in the future when I move to my own home, for here I will be able to bear the responsibility more, with my wife and my life partner, especially when we have children, so it is necessary to share the responsibility together
: Statistisches Jahrbuch der Schweiz 2012 — Annuaire statistique de la Suisse 2012 Nobel prizes in non-science categories included

في سويسرا السماء تمطر شوكولاتة!

Hence, we find that the functions of the whole body improve when we move and exercise regularly.

بار (سويسرا)
Appel, The Huffington Post 16 July 2009
بوابة الديار الإلكترونيه
Zur Literatur und Politik in der Schweiz
شاهد السماء تمطر رمالا من صحراء العرب في سويسرا وفرنسا
2003 Placenames of the World