If a message involves judgment of a peer, criticism or defence of that peers competence, judgmental remarks, that message will be deleted And if he is afflicted with difficulty he patiently endures and in that there is good
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أمر المؤمن في السراء والضراء كله خير • موقع مصلحون

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أمر المؤمن في السراء والضراء كله خير • موقع مصلحون
There is good for him in everything and this is not the case with anyone except him
أمــــــر المـــؤمـــن كله خيـــر [الأرشيف]
"It should be borne in mind that whatever befalls man in life is a form of test and trial; so it behooves every true Muslim to keep patient at times of afflictions and trials, and this will earn him great reward, as the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him says: 'Great is the state of a believer, for he is winner at any rate
أمر المؤمن في السراء والضراء كله خير • موقع مصلحون
If he is plagued with an affliction and thus shows patience, it is good for him
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His affair only contains good.

عجباً لأمر المؤمن
If prosperity attends him, he expresses gratitude to Allah and that is good for him; and if adversity befalls him, he endures it patiently and that is better for him
عَجَبًا لأمْر المؤمِن
If he is blessed with good he thanks God and in that there is good
أمر المؤمن كله خير
the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: How excellent is the case of a faithful servant! If he is given a blessing and thus shows gratitude, it is good for him