90 2,100,000 8,416 2011 421,849 16,389 180,782 45 Nicholson, The New York Times
513 41,000 491 1983 3,376 Indeed, based in the Bible Belt town of Bentonville, Arkansas, Wal-Mart has a tradition of tailoring its service to churchgoing customers

عروض خاصة عروض بطاقات الأهلي

03 1,700,000 5,289 2006 312,101 11,231 138,187 34.

وول مارت
331 1,500 38 1972 78
وول مارت
Stephanie Clifford, , New York Times August 20, 2012
عروض خاصة عروض بطاقات الأهلي
17 1,500,000 4,906 2005 284,310 10,267 120,154 36
40 1,400,000 4,688 2004 256,329 9,054 104,912 40 17 2,200,000 10,942 2015 485,651 16,363 203,490 66
"The Impacts of Wal-Mart: The Rise and Consequences of the World's Dominant Retailer" 241 3,500 66 1974 167

ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

463 2,300 51 1973 124.

آخر الأخبار
64 2,300,000 11,528 2017 485,873 13,643 198,825 76
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