Pharmacotherapy for generalized anxiety disorder in adults Plant-based medicines for anxiety disorders, Part 2: A review of clinical studies with supporting preclinical evidence
In: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-5 National Institute of Mental Health

علاج القلق النفسي بدون أدوية


علاج اضطراب القلق العام
National Alliance on Mental Illness
تجربتي مع دواء السيروكسات وعلاج القلق
Current evidence regarding the management of mood and anxiety disorders using complementary and alternative medicine
كتب علاج القلق والوسواس
: American Psychiatric Association; 2013
Efficacy of treatments for anxiety disorders: A meta-analysis National Alliance on Mental Illness
Complementary and alternative treatments for anxiety symptoms and disorders: Herbs and medications Natural medicines in the clinical management of anxiety

مضادات القلق

Pharmacological treatment for generalized anxiety disorder in adults: An update.

مضادات القلق
علاج القلق النفسي بدون أدوية
مضادات القلق