Connect to our experts using the button below to get advisory on choosing the best time to remit money to India capitalizing on the best exchange rates for SAR to INR It is not a solicitation to buy, sell or act based on the rates given
Exchange Rates for Thursday, July 22, 2021• In fact, at one stage we would get INR 12 for one Saudi Riyal, but, the same has now moved higher and has crossed the Rs 16 levels This is because the SAR is pegged against the dollar and does not change in value

Indian Rupee (INR) to Saudi riyal (SAR) Currency Converter

The more the country exports its goods and services the more the currency strengthens.

3700 Saudi Riyal to Indian Rupee, convert 3700 SAR in INR
1 million SAR is equal to 19
3700 Saudi Riyal to Indian Rupee, convert 3700 SAR in INR
85598 INR for 1 SAR
500 Saudi Riyal to Indian Rupee, convert 500 SAR in INR
80 INR Highest rate in June 19
Click on the values on this page to see real exchange rates of 130000 Over the ast decade or so, we have seen Indians working in Saudi Arabia get more for the rupee vs the Saudi Riyal
There is a high possibility that we may see the Riyal pegged at around the same levels in the coming days Reversed rate: Convert currency 350 SAR to INR

SAR to INR, Saudi Riyal to Indian Rupee Conversion Online at Goodreturns

33 INR 30 th June Rate 19.

500 Saudi Riyal to Indian Rupee, convert 500 SAR in INR
77 INR on May 3 Lowest Rate in May 19
500 Saudi Riyal to Indian Rupee, convert 500 SAR in INR
The balancing of imports with exports is a very essential factor to determine the strength and value of the currency
Convert 130000.008 Saudi Riyals to Indian Rupees
May 2021 Currency Exchange : SAR to INR 1 st May Rate 19
0504 Saudi Arabian Riyal Thursday, 22 July 2021, 12:02 New Delhi time, Thursday, 22 July 2021, 09:32 Riyadh time Following are currency exchange calculator and the details of exchange rates between Indian Rupee INR and Saudi Arabian Riyal SAR February 2021 Currency Exchange : SAR to INR 1 st February Rate 19
The Saudi Arabia currency in Indian rupees largely depends on how trading takes place in the inter bank foreign exchange market in India The rates are for informational purposes only

3700 Saudi Riyal to Indian Rupee, convert 3700 SAR in INR

62 INR on February 27 Lowest Rate in February 19.

350 Saudi Riyal to Indian Rupee, convert 350 SAR in INR
43 INR 28 th February Rate 19
SAR to INR, Saudi Riyal to Indian Rupee Conversion Online at Goodreturns
March 2021 Currency Exchange : SAR to INR 1 st March Rate 19
Saudi Riyal to Indische Rupie Conversion
The Saudi riyal is the currency of Saudi Arabia