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برق و رعد .. و( فقر ) .. وثلج و ريح

Geological Survey Bulletin 1038-E, pp.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
برق و رعد .. و( فقر ) .. وثلج و ريح
Krehbiel, Paul R; Riousset, Jeremy A; Pasko, Victor P; Thomas, Ronald J; Rison, William; Stanley, Mark A; Edens, Harald E 2008
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Stolzenburg, Maribeth; Marshall, Thomas C "Laboratory tests of laser-induced lightning discharge"


Behind us were frightening dark clouds, rent by lightning twisted and hurled, opening to reveal huge figures of flame.

"Discharges Guided by Laser-Induced Rarefaction Channels"
"Sprites, ELF Transients, and Positive Ground Strokes"
In Physik in unserer Zeit 33 6