Signs of a bleeding ulcer include , , and black stools Fischbach L, Evans EL 2007
Untreated ulcers can become worse over time Scar tissue: This is thick tissue that develops after an injury

عملية بالون المعدة

pylori is a cause of peptic ulcers, your doctor will also run a test to check for this infection in your stomach.

مرض سرطان المعدة: الأسباب، والأعراض، والعلاج
Upper endoscopy In this procedure, your doctor inserts a long tube with a camera down your throat and into your stomach and small intestine to examine the area for ulcers
جرثومة المعدة: 8 أعراض تكشفها وأهم التحاليل المطلوبة
Two types of tests are available to diagnose a peptic ulcer
الام البطن،الم البطن،علاج الام البطن
Peptic ulcers are sores that develop in the lining of the stomach, lower esophagus, or small intestine
Acid blockers like can also reduce stomach acid and ulcer pain duodenal ulcers: ulcers that develop in the upper section of the small intestines, called the duodenum Different factors can cause the lining of the stomach, the esophagus, and the small intestine to break down
You may experience minor side effects like or an from antibiotic regimens Treatment will depend on the underlying cause of your ulcer

جرثومة المعدة: 8 أعراض تكشفها وأهم التحاليل المطلوبة

esophageal ulcers: that develop inside the esophagus• Other common signs of a peptic ulcer include:• These medications are available as a prescription and also over the counter in lower doses.

ما علاج وجع المعدة
Your doctor will schedule a follow-up appointment after your initial treatment to evaluate your recovery
جرثومة المعدة: 8 أعراض تكشفها وأهم التحاليل المطلوبة
Not all cases require an upper endoscopy
جرثومة المعدة: 8 أعراض تكشفها وأهم التحاليل المطلوبة
This includes people over the age of 45, as well as people who experience:• Perforation: A hole develops in the lining of the or small intestine and causes an infection