" Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine "Effects of sleep posture on upper airway stability in patients with obstructive sleep apnea"
In: Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine In: Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine

أسباب انقطاع التنفس أثناء النوم

Department of Health and Human Services.

انقطاع التنفس
Management of obstructive sleep apnea in adults
أسباب انقطاع التنفس أثناء النوم وأنواعه ومخاطره ومضاعفاته وكيفية التخلص منه
Journal of the American Dental Association
أسباب انقطاع التنفس أثناء النوم
Obstructive sleep apnea in adults
"Chronic Liver Injury During Obstructive Sleep Apnea" The epidemiology of obstructive sleep apnoea and cardiovascular disease
"Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome and its management" Whitelaw WA, Brant RF, Flemons WW 2005

انقطاع التنفس

Overview of polysomnography is adults.

علاج انقطاع النفس اثناء النوم
"Rapid risk stratification for obstructive sleep apnea, based on snoring severity and body mass index"
انقطاع‭ ‬النفس‭ ‬أثناء‭ ‬النوم
Surgical risk and the preoperative evaluation and management of adults with obstructive sleep apnea
أسباب انقطاع التنفس أثناء النوم
"Positioner—a method for preventing sleep apnea"