Ni is not like that There are certain scenarios in which an ISTP will appear similar to an INTJ, but those two as a whole are very different as well
However, INTJs will be instinctively concerned with their own emotions, and oblivious to the external emotional environment That said, we can expect some measure of turbulence from any perceiving P type

مشاهير شخصية Infp

ISTPs, by contrast, utilize Extraverted Sensing Se as their auxiliary function, fostering a greater interest in sensory and kinesthetic types of experiences.

Drenth, the founder of this website and fellow INTP, has written extensively about this type, including penning our and the two bestselling INTP books worldwide:
كيف تنجذب الأنماط تجاه بعضها في ال Mbti
Although, an ISTP can learn how to explain their knowledge and thoughts via practice
شخصية INTP
ISTPs tend to be known for talking less, but this tends to be because ISTPs struggle to verbalize their thoughts due to the Ti-Ni combo
Conceived in this way, it is easier to see how some INTPs might be rightly described as assertive They prefer to have a plan, and they prefer advance notice before altering their schedule
Others might therefore see the INTP-T as more fickle, unreliable, or short on staying power INTJs are not typically spontaneous

اختبار ( محاكي) لمايرز بريجز

The IXTPs, however, with their inferior Fe will be sensitive to the emotional environment.

Practical Typing
Because assertiveness is in many respects a precursor to fame or worldly success, most well-known INTPs probably had an ample dose of it
اختبار ( محاكي) لمايرز بريجز
For INTPs, however, an enduring sense of meaning can be harder to come by, making them more susceptible to chronic cynicism or nihilism
شخصية INTP
Notice: While we do use the 4 letter type codes initially created by Myers Briggs MBTI , we are putting forth our own interpretation of the types and are in no way associated with them
A Brief History of the INTP It has now been over a century since Carl Jung first proffered the notion of the Introverted Thinking type As discussed in my post, , chronic doubt and uncertainty may also contribute to lower levels of persistence
As mentioned above, Ne is known for idea generation, so INTPs are good at brainstorming and coming up with endless ideas, theories, speculations, what-if scenarios, and etc ISTPs frequently mistake themselves as INTPS, and both the ISTPs and INTPs frequently mistake themselves for INTJs

اختبار ( محاكي) لمايرز بريجز

This is due to high Ne.

نسبة الأنماط في العالم
Ti overthinks everything, so bear that in mind
اختبار ( محاكي) لمايرز بريجز
I m always ready for my life to change
Unlike the IXTPs, they do NOT struggle to state certainties