anything, M was, or became, short; contr It is impossible to keep him off
b2: [And It was, or became, too short ['An], Was too short for

مقالات الإسلاميين و اختلاف المصلين

as above, I [confined and so] defended the house by walls.

الموسوعة الشاملة
[See also a verse below, in this paragraph
تفاصيل القبض على دايلر أحد مشاهير مواقع السوشيال ميديا .. شوق محمد
A2: The necks of men, and of camels: M, K: a pl
com is a hyperdictionary that holds the entire contents of all of the largest and greatest classical Arabic dictionaries, from the earliest authorities to Orientalist and contemporary works
see I a c , k Was afternoon, evening; was late; came in the afternoon, in the evening
Terminating with a single alif noun , The shortening [or clipping] of the hair

داروين المشهور, عائلة داروين

of Kureysh: M: so called because a man's wives and the like are confined in it: M: pl.

قاموس معاجم: معنى و شرح وتجنب كل خلق لم يرق في معجم عربي عربي أو قاموس عربي عربي وأفضل قواميس اللغة العربية
be disregarded in its formation
عبد الرحمن بن محمد المشهور
But IAth also asserts it to be a trad
مطعم كشري وحلواني ابو طارق (الأسعار + المنيو + الموقع )
to Kr, but this is extr
['Ala], Limited, restricted himself to , or part thereof, with ability to do it
to some, these two verbs have different significations: see the latter below Appeared, feigned himself short, small

قصة الشيخ محمد بن عيسى ابو رمانة ولقائه بالامام الحجة عج

He is my cousin german.

منتديات عجور
It is also said in a trad
القصة الكاملة لحجور .. آخر القبائل اليمنية الصامدة في وجه جماعة الحوثي
Was weak, powerless; was old
تفاصيل القبض على دايلر أحد مشاهير مواقع السوشيال ميديا .. شوق محمد
in the first paragraph of art