Mortuary sword [ ] A similar weapon was the mortuary sword which was used after 1625 by during the At first the wire guard was a simple design but as time passed it became increasingly sculpted and ornate
Before the find, the earliest positive dating had been two swords from around the time of the At range, this strategy would do little against musket armed troops firing in volleys or using while effective against bayonets, the target would not fare so well against a musket ball , which necessitated tactics such as the "", which required a Jacobite war band to close with their targets as quickly as possible, normally under heavy fire, using the smoke from musket and cannon fire to cover the last leg of the assault before attacking the line

خشمها مثل سلة السيف .......!!!

see also Wagner, Paul; Christopher Thompson 2005.

It was widely recognisable for its "cat's-head pommel" and distinctive handguard made up of many leaf-shaped brass or iron bars that was attached to the cross-bar and knucklebow rather than the pommel
It is believed that these swords were brought back to Scotland by 's mercenaries who had served on the continent
Mortuary swords remained in use until around 1670 when they fell out of favor among civilians and began to be replaced with the
A further distinction applied by arms historians and collectors is that a true broadsword possesses a double-edged blade, while similar wide-bladed swords with a single sharpened edge and a thickened back are called 1 kg, this blade was useful for both cut and thrust
Weighing in at around 1 In close quarters, the claymore was the ideal weapon of choice for combating British soldiers armed with long, unwieldy, with plug


The schiavona became popular among the armies of those who traded with Italy during the 17th century and was the weapon of choice for many.

سيوف انمي قاتل الشياطين
The mortuary and claybeg variants were commonly used in the British isles, whether domestically produced or acquired through trade with Italy and Germany
سير أعلام النبلاء/خالد بن الوليد
This does not parallel Scottish Gaelic usage
They also influenced the 18th-century cavalry