Blair, David 22 July 2003 Hussein's service in the began in 2000
Hussein was the of clubs in the coalition forces' In the third attempt, the soldiers killed Qusay's only remaining 14-year-old son after he fired

قصي صدام حسين ... من قرية الكدام موهبة واعدة تشق طريق النجومية

There were reports that Qusay Hussein's 14-year-old son Mustafa was the fourth body found.

تفاصيل مقتل عدي وقصي
on the day and called on people inside to come out peacefully
Qusay Hussein
Special Forces, killed Qusay Hussein, his 14-year-old son Mustafa, his older brother Uday Hussein and a bodyguard during a on a house in the northern Iraqi city of
ماذا تعرف عن قصي وعدي أولاد الديكتاتور صدام حسين
After about four hours of battle the whole operation lasted 6 hours , the soldiers entered the house and found four dead, including the two brothers and their bodyguard The Iraqi government stated that the action was intended to produce usable farmland, though a number of outsiders believe the destruction was aimed against the Marsh Arabs as retribution for their participation in the 1991 uprising
Unlike Uday, who was known for extravagance and erratic, violent behavior, Qusay kept a low profile so details regarding his actions and roles are obscure Uday and Qusay Hussein refused to surrender even after a helicopter fired a rocket and the Strike Brigade fired 40mm grenades at them

قصي صدام حسين ... من قرية الكدام موهبة واعدة تشق طريق النجومية

Had Saddam Hussein had 100 children, other than Uday and Qusay, Saddam Hussein would have sacrificed them on the same path.

ماذا تعرف عن قصي وعدي أولاد الديكتاتور صدام حسين
Some sources have said the birth year was 1967 while others have said 1968
BBC Arabic News
After his sons death, Saddam Hussein recorded a tape and said, "Beloved Iraqis, your brothers Uday and Qusay, and Mustafa, the son of Qusay, took a stand of faith, which pleases God, makes a friend happy, and makes an enemy angry
قصي صدام حسين ... من قرية الكدام موهبة واعدة تشق طريق النجومية
Early life [ ] Qusay Hussein was born in in 1967 to revolutionary , who was in prison at the time, and his wife and cousin,