The Day We Celebrate: Thanksgiving Treated Gastronomically and Socially, The New York Times, Nov "Nutrition facts for pumpkin seeds, whole, roasted, without salt"
University of Florida IFAS Extension "Medicinal and biological potential of pumpkin: an updated review"

٩ اسباب عظيمة لتناول بذور القرع أو البزر الأبيض

America's Founding Food: The Story of New England Cooking.

فوائد بذور اليقطين ٢٠ فائدة لجسمك
"The "How" of the Three Sisters: The Origins of Agriculture in Mesoamerica and the Human Niche"
"Tip 75 — Pumpkin for cats — pumpkin for dogs — Pumpkin for diarrhea or constipation"
عالية القيمة الغذائية استخراج بذور اليقطين خط إنتاج زيت بذور اليقطين
"Structural characterization of a polysaccharide isolated from Lady Godiva pumpkins Cucurbita pepo lady godiva "
Issues in new crops and new uses
Patel, Seema 27-6-2013 , , Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, Issue 6, Folder 3, Page 183-189 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society

فوائد بذور اليقطين

They continue to be popular choices today as carved lanterns in Scotland and Northern Ireland, although the British purchased a million pumpkins for Halloween in 2004• Handbook of Plant Breeding: Vegetables I.

زيت القرع أو زيت بذور اليقطين: فوائده وطرق استخدامه
; Jain, S; Tomar, R
فوائد بذور اليقطين: 11 فائدة مُثبتة علمياً
a b c "The Pumpkin Patch"
فوائد بذور اليقطين المذهلة
"Nutrition Facts, "Seeds, pumpkin and squash seed kernels, roasted, without salt pepitas ""
"The Initial Domestication of Cucurbita pepo in the Americas 10,000 Years Ago" Heeok Hong, Chun-Soo Kim, and Sungho Maeng 31-12-2009 , , Nutrition Research and Practice, Issue 3, Folder 4, Page 323-327
Purdue University Agriculture, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture "Oil Pumpkins: Niche for Organic Producers" PDF

فوائد بذور القرع (بذور اليقطين) لتقوية المناعة و تسريع نمو الشعر و النوم و المزيد!

"The Beginning and Growth of Agriculture in Mexico".

فوائد بذور القرع (بذور اليقطين) لتقوية المناعة و تسريع نمو الشعر و النوم و المزيد!
New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold• In The Encyclopedia Americana International Edition
فوائد بذور اليقطين الـ 10 المثبتة علميًّا
gov : The effect of pumpkin seeds on oxalcrystalluria and urinary compositions of children in hyperendemic area• "On the color of transparent substances, in Current Psychological Research in Austria" PDF
فوائد بذور اليقطين المذهلة
The New Food Lover's Companion 3rd ed