Robert Jurmain; Lynn Kilgore; Wenda Trevathan 2008 Stock, Africa South of the Sahara, Second Ed
"Geographical patterning in interannual rainfall variability in the tropics and near tropics: An L-moments approach" These countries share similar peoples, languages, and geographical endowments

الحج في الإسلام

Sandra Fullerton Joireman, Institutional Change in the Horn of Africa, Universal-Publishers: 1997 , p.

حساب العمر : أحسب عمرك الأن بدقة لا مثيل لها
Encyclopedia of Food and Culture
الحج في الإسلام
Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia
[متجدد]جميع برامجنا المترجمة~
"The eastern part of the African continent, especially the countries of Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania
Frisk, 1927, with updates and improvements and detailed notes "A term often used of the area now comprising the countries of Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, and Somalia; sometimes used to include also other neighboring countries of E Africa
Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia Robert Stock, Africa South of the Sahara, Second Edition: A Geographical Interpretation, The Guilford Press; 2004 , p

عيد الاضحى 2021

"Was North Africa the launch pad for modern human migrations? Mary Fitzpatrick and Tom Parkinson, Lonely Planet East Africa, 7th edition, Lonely Planet Publications: 2006 , p.

شرق أفريقيا
An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Horn: The British-Somali Expedition
الهيئة القومية لسكك حديد مصر
Rich, Evelyn Jones; Wallerstein, Immanuel Maurice 2 July 1971
إرتفاع سعر البنزين اليوم فى السعودية الخميس 10 يونيو 2021 بعد مراجعة ارامكو
James De Vere Allen 1993