Robert Jurmain; Lynn Kilgore; Wenda Trevathan 2008 | Stock, Africa South of the Sahara, Second Ed |
"Geographical patterning in interannual rainfall variability in the tropics and near tropics: An L-moments approach" | These countries share similar peoples, languages, and geographical endowments |
Sandra Fullerton Joireman, Institutional Change in the Horn of Africa, Universal-Publishers: 1997 , p.
21Frisk, 1927, with updates and improvements and detailed notes | "A term often used of the area now comprising the countries of Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, and Somalia; sometimes used to include also other neighboring countries of E Africa |
Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia | Robert Stock, Africa South of the Sahara, Second Edition: A Geographical Interpretation, The Guilford Press; 2004 , p |
"Was North Africa the launch pad for modern human migrations? Mary Fitzpatrick and Tom Parkinson, Lonely Planet East Africa, 7th edition, Lonely Planet Publications: 2006 , p.