If he publicises it, he will be committing the crime of spreading the filth everywhere; and if he brings the matter to the notice of the officials without satisfactory evidence, they will not be able to deal with it effectively
This clearly shows that the real intention of Hadrat 'Umar was to impress on the accusers that they should confess that they had given way to undue suspicion and that they should repent of accusing people on the basis of such suspicions in future, otherwise their evidence would never be accepted The Qur'an itself has considered the state of slavery as excluded from the state of ihsan moral fortification

حكايتي التي أكملها في منزل العمة روزي

The words of the verse - "Those who accuse chaste woman.

الزاني لا ينكح إلا زانية أو مشركة والزانية لا ينكحها إلا زان أو مشرك ۚ وحرم ذلك على المؤمنين
According to them, if the witnesses are righteous, the qazif will be acquitted of the charge of qazf, and the crime of zina will become established against the accused
الزاني لا ينكح إلا زانية أو مشركة والزانية لا ينكحها إلا زان أو مشرك ۚ وحرم ذلك على المؤمنين
except those who repent of it and mend their ways; Allah is Forgiving and Merciful
قصاصات قابلة للحرق Quotes by أحمد خالد توفيق(page 3 of 7)
Melayu - Basmeih : Lelaki yang berzina lazimnya tidak ingin berkahwin melainkan dengan perempuan yang berzina atau perempuan musyrik; dan perempuan yang berzina itu pula lazimnya tidak ingin berkahwin dengannya melainkan oleh lelaki yang berzina atau lelaki musyrik Dan perkahwinan yang demikian itu terlarang kepada orangorang yang beriman• That is why on repentance worldly punishments are not forgiven but only punishments of the Hereafter; and that is why, Allah dces not say that if the offenders repent, they thay be forgiven, but says: "For those who repent, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful
The fact is that both these arguments are weak
It is, however, strange that Imam Shafi'i excludes the husband and the wife from this right on the ground that their marriage bond breaks with death, and the accusation against one spouse dces not affect the lineage of the other Similarly the tit match for adulterous women who have not repented can only be adulterous or idolatrous men; they are not fit for any righteous Believer

الزاني لا ينكح إلا زانية أو مشركة والزانية لا ينكحها إلا زان أو مشرك ۚ وحرم ذلك على المؤمنين

In case the accused is not "morally fortified", the law cannot be applied.

قصاصات قابلة للحرق Quotes by أحمد خالد توفيق(page 3 of 7)
According to Imam Malik, if the offence of gazf is committed in the presence of the ruler, it is a cognizable offence, otherwise legal action against the accuser will depend on the demand of the accused 6 Qazf is not a compoundable offence
حكايتي التي أكملها في منزل العمة روزي
تحميل رواية زوجة واحدة لا تكفي زوج واحد كثير pdf
None except AIIah can know whether a person has repented sincerely or not
Moreover, the words in the Text themselves indicate that except those who repent English - Sahih International : The fornicator does not marry except a [female] fornicator or polytheist and none marries her except a fornicator or a polytheist and that has been made unlawful to the believers• if a person who is not "morally fortified" is known for his immorality, there will be no question of the "accusation", but if he is not, the judge can use his discretion to award a punishment to the accuser, or the consultative council can make necessary laws to deal with such cases
c He should be a Muslim, i Kaum Muhajirin yang miskin menyangka kekayaan yang dimilikinya itu akan dapat menanggung nafkah mereka

حكايتي التي أكملها في منزل العمة روزي

However, if the qazif produces witnesses who are unbelieving, or blind, or slave, or those already convicted of qazf, he will not escape the punishment.

قصاصات قابلة للحرق Quotes by أحمد خالد توفيق(page 3 of 7)
Apart from qazf, the question of determining punishments for other allegations can be left to the discretion of the judge, or to the consultative council of the Islamic state, who can make general laws to cover cases of contempt and defamation as and when required 2 Though the verse only mentions al-muhsanat pure and chaste women , the jurists are agreed that the law is not confined to the accusation in respect of women, but it extends to the accusation in respect of chaste men also
That is, repentance will not render the punishment null and void, and the criminal will be given flogging in any case
" be made applicable to the first Command also? Though the prescribed punishment cannot be enforced in any of these five cases it does not, however, mean that a person who accuses an insane person or a minor or a non-Muslim, or a slave, or an unchaste person of zina without proof, does not even deserve a discretionary punishment