May our condolences bring you peace during this painful time May my condolences bring you comfort and may my prayers ease the pain of this loss
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family I will never forget his kindness

كلمات تعزية بوفاة شخص عزيز

Please accept my sincere condolences.

رسالة تعزية مؤثرة , صيغة برقيات عزاء بليغة ومواساة جاهزه
May the love and mercy of our Lord be bestowed upon you and your family during this unfortunate time
عبارات عزاء
We part with our beloved in pain
رسالة تعزية مؤثرة , صيغة برقيات عزاء بليغة ومواساة جاهزه
May God give you the peace that you seek
I am deeply saddened by the news of your loss God rest her soul in peace and the angels to always be there with you
May she rest in peace May the soul of your lost be at peace

عبارات عزاء

I pray that God will grant you the strength.

عبارات تعزية للميت ومواساة
In this sorrowful time, we would like to extend to you our heartfelt condolences
عبارات عزاء ومواساة بوفاه الاخت
Our most sincere condolences to you
كلمات تعزية بالانجليزي
I loved too much and I lost