He later withdrew the fatwa He was arrested on 21 August 2013
In his speech to a crowd of hundreds of thousands of Egyptians, Safwat emphasized that Morsi will lead Egypt's campaign to restore the "" or "" with as its capital, and urged listeners to "awake Jews from their slumber" and chanted that they would march as martyrs toward Jerusalem

مصر.. الحكم بإعدام محمد البلتاجي وصفوت حجازي

On 14 September 2013, Hegazy was acquitted on charges of "inciting violence" at the headquarters on 30 June 2013.

إعدام صفوت حجازي.. ليلة سقوط خطيب الفتنة بمنصة رابعة
On 14 July 2013, Egypt's military-appointed prosecutor general ordered his assets to be frozen
صفوت حجازي
Safwat Hegazy has had several court cases brought against him for allegedly insulting women who do not wear the "niqab" full face cover for women; one court case was dropped when he and his lawyers settled out of court
ماذا ينتظر تنفيذ الإعدام في محمد البلتاجي وصفوت حجازي؟
In an address that aired Al-Nas TV on July 11, 2010, Safwat advised parents that "our children sit in front of the computer and the playstation, and play games that will never lead them to wage Jihad
If not for the Arab rulers, we would devour Jews with our teeth Career and views [ ] Safwat Hegazy is a graduate of the Faculty of Agriculture,
Gamaleddine, Al-Sayed September 14, 2013 The government of the United Kingdom declared in 2009 that he is considered to be engaging in unacceptable behaviour by glorifying terrorist violence

صفوت حجازي.. الداعية الثائر الذي جرده الانقلاب حتى من كيس الدواء

Cairo Criminal Court on 7 December 2013 refused to return a verdict and recused itself in another case involving Hegazy and citing "embarrassment" as a reason for its decision.

صفوت حجازي.. الداعية الثائر الذي جرده الانقلاب حتى من كيس الدواء
" In 2012, Safwat launched MB candidate 's campaign
صفوت حجازى: قتل بشار الأسد فرض عين على كل مسلم وقاتله في الجنة
Hegazy was investigated in Egypt in 2006 for issuing a calling for the death of visiting Israeli officials
صفوت حجازي ويكيبيديا السيرة الذاتية
A supporter of , he was arrested after the

ماذا ينتظر تنفيذ الإعدام في محمد البلتاجي وصفوت حجازي؟


من هو صفوت حجازي ويكيبيديا السيرة الذاتية
من هو صفوت حجازي ويكيبيديا السيرة الذاتية
300 ساعة تفصل صفوت حجازي عن الإعدام