He has taught the entire humanity how they should act and behave so that they may lead a life of comfort and peace in the world and in the Hereafter | Najvrijednije od njih je djelo imam-i Rabbanija koje se sastoji od tri toma |
Islam and Christianity Islam that abrogated celestial religions of Judaism and Christianity along with their validity is explained first |
German, French and Arabic versions are also published by our bookstore.
10The book Why Did They Become Muslims consists of 3 sections | godine u Damasku preselio na ahiret |
Besides, given are an answer to the slanderers and an explanation to How to be a True Muslim? Choosing some of the people whose deserved destination in the Hereafter is Hell, He will magnanimously forgive them and bless them with Paradise | Section III is a book of Islam and Other Religions |
Information about Prophets, books, religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam is given, conditions of being a true Muslim are explained, the words of those filled with admiration for Islam and the lives of 42 people who being a member of other religions chose Islam are narrated.
13That Islam is not a religion of savageness, that a true Muslim is not ignorant, that there can be no philosophy in Islam are explained along with explanations of primitive religions and celestial religions | Why Did They Become Muslims? In den Abschnitten 2 und 3 werden u |
Aan het einde van het boek zijn er smeekbeden weergegeven in hun Arabische origineel, die binnen en buiten het gebed worden uitgesproken | Geloof en islam In dit boek zijn de geloofsfundamenten, de zes zuilen van het geloof, uit authentieke en betrouwbare boeken overgenomen en op een gedetailleerde manier verklaard |