We need to take care of people and of our planet, while ensuring a strong, inclusive and sustainable economic recovery Participants will be the Members of the G20, a few guest countries, and representatives from some of the major International and Regional Organizations
758 1,396,982,000 9,634,057 Y Y Emerging 1,227 5 1,702,000 4,135,000 11,601 28,184 0

مجموعة العشرين

Bosco, David 19 April 2012.

قمة مجموعة العشرين G20 2020 تُعقد افتراضيا في المملكة العربية السعودية.. ولقاحات كورونا التحدي الأكبر
Minister for Equal Opportunities and Family Elena Bonetti will chair the meeting
استراتيجية قمة العشرين في 2020
707 265,316,000 1,904,569 Y Y Y Emerging 1,047
قمة العشرين
891 65,098,000 640,679 Y Y Y Y Advanced 2,834 3,963,880 4,467,238 48,670 52,559 0
920 328,116,000 9,526,468 Y Y Y Y Advanced 18,705,132 22,761,233 33,715 41,091 0 Database updated in April 2019
8 371,298 875,100 6,560 15,239 0 In 2021 the international community will need to show courage and ambition in order to overcome the great challenges of today: from recovering from the pandemic to addressing climate change, from supporting innovation to overcoming poverty and inequality

قمة مجموعة العشرين الرياض 2020

The intense schedule will embrace a large part of the country, highlighting many of the extraordinary realities scattered throughout its territory.

قمة قادة مجموعة العشرين
9 1,100,911 3,743,159 4,120 13,230 0
قمة مجموعة العشرين الرياض 2020
We need to take care of people and of our planet, while ensuring a strong, inclusive and sustainable economic recovery
قمة قادة مجموعة العشرين
4 2,761,633 3,054,599 42,931 45,775 0