Virtual open day is an event planned for prospective parents who are interested in applying for academic year 2021-2022 for their 3-4 year-old children or to transfer their older children from other schools, so they can get to know more about IVY international schools, its STEM-focused Educational System, its benefits and the whole admission process The esteemed Captain Abdelaziz Abdelshafy, who will head the sports program, discusses the importance of physical literacy in education
Whenever possible, students, teachers, and staff will maintain consistent groupings of people to minimize virus spread in the school IVY will comply with applicable laws, as well as school safety and accessibility standards to address individual needs

برنامج «السفيرة عزيزة» يخصص فقرة حوارية عن منصة «I MAKE THIS» للسيدات

IVY's accreditation application as required by our partnership with Harmony is acknowledged as received by Cognia.

IVY STEM International Schools
Students will be encouraged to wash hands frequently and use hand sanitizer
برنامج «السفيرة عزيزة» يخصص فقرة حوارية عن منصة «I MAKE THIS» للسيدات
IVY implements high impact instructional practices with technology embedded in order to provide consistent, equitable, and high-quality education to its students regardless of their learning environment
ثلاث ميداليات برونزية للبنان
IVY will use virtual tools that allow users to create, manage, and share academic content in an online classroom context
She will also lead teams, establish and manage the integration of the performing arts into the general curriculum, as well as helping students to participate in various plays on the school campus and outside It is worth mentioning that Shoeib, born on January 15, 1982, graduated from the Faculty of Arts from Alexandria University then started acting at the beginning of the 21st century
, not a cafeteria, gym, library, or other larger space Gamal Hassan, Chairman of IVY STEM International Schools Board of Directors and Ms

قائمة أعمال سعاد حسني

Regardless of the learning environment, students will have an equitable experience and receive a high-quality education.

IVY STEM International Schools
With her extensive educational and professional experience, Shoeib will oversee the performing arts, leadership, teaching, and training curricula
ثلاث ميداليات برونزية للبنان
If any students need to change the learning environment due to COVID-19, their learning process will continue since all students are exposed to similar learning experiences and curricula
ثلاث ميداليات برونزية للبنان
Each individual teacher, staff, or student will have a minimum of 60 square feet of space in the classroom