These obstacles can be physical barriers, colleagues, friends or family members Nietzsche believed that when these systems fall, nihilism sets in
What drives us to flourish? Nietzsche describes three types of psychological nihilism in his notes used for The Will to Power Every day we meet obstacles to our desires

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But the idea of a will to life did not seem to satisfy Nietzsche and the younger philosopher started to develop his own idea of a driving force behind change.

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Nietzsche did not help himself in this respect, his views would be unpalatable to the majority of modern readers
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A person can lose belief in their own self-worth if they come to understand that they are not part of a greater whole
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If the will to power is ubiquitous in the living world then of course all actions are an expression of the will
The second kind is lack of unity: When we have believed in a system, unity or organisation of the world that is no longer believed in If we do not harness the will to power for the purposes of our own self-mastery, we could be caught in a web of power that is far beyond our own control
Often we are not even aware of these impulses The will to power when harnessed properly is more about growth and creativity than it is about domination and brutality

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Parmenides born circa 515 BCE believed that change is an illusion, that all things are one and the same.

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Why things change has been a matter for thinkers since the beginning of western philosophy
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The will to power is aimless and purposeless
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These belief systems were religious, political and ultimately philosophical
The point of the Overman, it seems, was to present a spiritual ideal that is opposed to the common ideals of moral virtue For Nietzsche, justice and equality are founded on envy
From single cell organisms and plants to animals, all living things find themselves in a struggle for survival Alas, the time is coming when man will no longer give birth to a star

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Above all, a living thing wants to discharge its strength — life itself is will to power: self-preservation is only one of the indirect and most infrequent consequences of this.

Nietzsche: The Power Within Us
نيتفليكس تعمل على منصة تسلط الضوء على محتواها الأصلي
All things change, and living things seek to flourish
Nietzsche: The Power Within Us
He started to think in terms of a will to power as a driver of human and animal striving and for a cosmic manifestation of change itself