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الطبيب العربي المسلم الذي اكتشف الدورة الدموية الصغرى

5 2 : 74—85 [80].

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من اكتشف الدورة الدموية الصغرى
, Encyclopedia of Islamic World
من اكتشف الدورة الدموية
O'Malley 1957 , "A Latin translation of Ibn Nafis 1547 related to the problem of the circulation of the blood", Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 12 2 , pp
"Vasovagal syncope in the Canon of Avicenna: The first mention of carotid artery hypersensitivity" Meyerhof, Max 1993 , "Ibn al-Nafis", in van Donzel, E
Tarikh llm Tashrih 1967 by Hakim Syed Zillur Rahman, Tibbi Academy, Delhi; Second revised edition 2009 ISBN 978-81-906070- , Ibn Sina Academy of Medieval Medicine and Sciences, Aligarh• Tatawi, M, Der Lungenkreislauf nach el Koraschi, Dissert New York and London: Garland Science

هل ابن النفيس هو مكتشف الدورة الدموية بالفعل

Iskandar, "Ibn al-Nafis", in Helaine Selin 1997 , Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures, Kluwer Academic Publishers,.

الطبيب العربي المسلم الذي اكتشف الدورة الدموية الصغرى
Sulaiman Oataya 1982 , "Ibn ul Nafis has dissected the human body", Symposium on Ibn al-Nafis, Second International Conference on Islamic Medicine: Islamic Medical Organization, Kuwait cf
ابن النفيس
Paul Ghalioungui 1982 , "The West denies Ibn Al Nafis's contribution to the discovery of the circulation", Symposium on Ibn al-Nafis, Second International Conference on Islamic Medicine: Islamic Medical Organization, Kuwait cf
الطبيب العربي المسلم الذي اكتشف الدورة الدموية الصغرى
Albert Zaki Iskandar 1982 , "Comprehensive Book on the Art of Medicine", Symposium on Ibn al Nafis, Second International Conference on Islamic Medicine: Islamic Medical Organization, Kuwait cf
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 11 s1 : 46-66 Savage Smith, Meideval Islamic medicine Georgetown University, Washington DC, 2007, p
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من اكتشف الدورة الدموية الصغرى

Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

مكتشف الدورة الدموية الصغرى كلمات متقاطعة
Gonzalez Etxeberria, Patxi 2011 Amor a la verdad, el — vida y obra de Miguel servet [ The love for truth
من اكتشف الدورة الدموية
Study on the Manuscript of Paris by Servetus 1546 description of the Pulmonary Circulation
Evolutionary origins of the blood vascular system and endothelium