Bush RL, Pevec WC, Holcroft JW 1997 : The McGraw-Hill Companies; 2016
Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Bracey AW, Radovancevic R, Riggs SA; et al

أسباب فقر الدم

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

ما هو فقر الدم Anemia ؟ وما هي أعراضه وأسبابه وطرق علاجه
أسباب وأعراض فقر الدم عند النساء
"Anemia, genetic diseases, and malaria in prehistoric mainland Southeast Asia"
15 من أبرز أعراض فقر الدم
"A prospective, randomized trial limiting perioperative red blood cell transfusions in vascular patients"
American Journal of Physical Anthropology "Effect of a liberal versus restrictive transfusion strategy on mortality in patients with moderate to severe head injury"
National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements Approach to the adult patient with anemia

ماذا يعني نسبة الهيموجلوبين في الدم 10

Vitamin C: Fact sheet for health professionals.

أعراض فقر الدم
Iron: Fact sheet for health professionals
فقر الدم
Treatment of iron deficiency anemia in adults
اعراض وعلاج فقر الدم
"Anemia and blood transfusion in critically ill patients"