Pranger Ideology and Power in the Middle East: Studies in Honor of George Lenczowski p Nadav Safran Saudi Arabia: The Ceaseless Quest for Security p
Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict

موقع اليمن العربي

Halliday, Fred, Revolution and Foreign Policy: The Case of South Yemen, 1967-1987, Cambridge University Press, 2002, page 42• Day,Regionalism and Rebellion in Yemen: A Troubled National Union p.

جمهورية اليمن الديمقراطية الشعبية
Norman Friedman The Fifty-Year War: Conflict and Strategy in the Cold War p
عبد ربه منصور هادي
Noel Brehony Yemen Divided: The Story of a Failed State in South Arabia p
موقع اليمن العربي
David Walker, Daniel Gray The A to Z of Marxism p
Andrew Mumford The Counter-Insurgency Myth: The British Experience of Irregular Warfare p Eli Clifton Jan 6 2016
Sarah Phillips Yemen's democracy experiment in regional perspective : patronage and pluralized authoritarianism p Fred Halliday Revolution and Foreign Policy: The Case of South Yemen, 1967-1987 p

رئيس الوزراء يجتمع بأعضاء الحكومة لبحث مستجدات المشهد الإقتصادي والعسكري

Noel Brehony Yemen Divided: The Story of a Failed State in South Arabia p.

رئيس اليمن
Pranger Ideology and Power in the Middle East: Studies in Honor of George Lenczowski p
The Yemeni American » قحطان الشعبي: حكاية أول رئيس لجمهورية اليمن الجنوبية
Fred Halliday Revolution and Foreign Policy: The Case of South Yemen, 1967-1987 p
الجمهورية العربية اليمنية
Yevgeny Primakov, Russia and the Arabs : behind the scenes in the Middle East from the Cold War to the present New York : Basic Books p