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أضرار الزنجبيل مع الشاي الأحمر

Changping Zou, Huaguang Liu, Jean Feugang And Others 2010 , , International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, Issue 4, Folder 20, Page 617-624.

ماذا يحدث بالجسم عند تناول الشاي بصورة يومية؟
Ikue Watanabe, Shinichi Kuriyama, Masako Kakizaki And Others 2009 , , The American journal of clinical nutrition, Issue 3, Folder 90, Page 672-679
أضرار شرب الشاي بعد الأكل
Jing Wang, Wei Zhang, Lu Sun And Others 2013 , , Cancer Epidemiology , Issue 6, Folder 36, Page 354-358
أضرار شرب الشاي
Keiko Unno, Hiroshi Yamada, Kazuaki Iguchi And Others 2017 , , Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, Issue 6, Folder 40, Page 902-909
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أضرار الشاي في رمضان بعد الفطار مباشرة

Cheryl Rowe, Meri Nantz, Jack Bukowski And Others 2007 , , Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Issue 5, Folder 26, Page 445-452.

ما هي اضرار الشاي
Xueru Yin, Jiqiao Yang, Tony Li And Others 2015 , , International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine , Issue 6, Folder 8, Page 8339-8346
ما هي اضرار الشاي
Yuming Guo, Fan Zhi, Ping Chen And Others 2017 , , Medicine, Issue 13, Folder 96
أضرار شرب الشاي بعد الأكل
Naping Tang, Yuemin Wub, Bo Zhouc And Others 2009 , , Lung cancer , Issue 3, Folder 65, Page 274-283 Hussain 2001 , , Journal of Dentistry, Issue 8, Folder 29, Page 517-520
Kaijun Niu, Atsushi Hozawa, Shinichi Kuriyama And Others 2009 , , The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Issue 6, Folder 90, Page 1615-1622 Xin-Xin Zheng, Yan-Lu Xu, Shao-Hua Li And Others 8-2011 , , The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Issue 2, Folder 94, Page 601—610

أضرار كثرة شرب الشاي

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ما هي اضرار الشاي
Mirtavoos-Mahyari H, Salehipour P, Parohan M And Others 2019 , , Nutrition and Cancer, Issue 6, Folder 71, Page 887-897
أضرار الشاي في رمضان بعد الفطار مباشرة
Christina Dietz, Matthijs Dekker 2017 , , Current Pharmaceutical Design, Issue 19, Folder 23, Page 2876-2905
أضرار الشاي الأزرق
Tannis Jurgens, Anne Whelan, Lara Killian And Others 2012 , , Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 12