"Cerebral effects of noncaffeine constituents in roasted coffee" van Dam, Rob September 18, 2012
Wu, Jiang-nan; Ho, Suzanne C; Zhou, Chun; Ling, Wen-hua; Chen, Wei-qing; Wang, Cui-ling; Chen, Yu-ming 2009 Silverman, K; Evans, SM; Strain, EC; Griffiths, RR October 15, 1992


Atanasov, AG; Dzyakanchuk, AA; Schweizer, RA; Nashev, LG; Maurer, EM; Odermatt, A 2006.

رواية بين حبال الماء
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
أنواع القهوة الهندية
"Consumption of a boiled Greek type of coffee is associated with improved endothelial function: The Ikaria Study"
رواية الليل والضباب
Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care "Total and specific fluid consumption as determinants of bladder cancer risk"
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 40 9 : 1243—55 1245, 1249

القهوة الهندية ام حبال

Dewey, Kathryn G; Romero-Abal, Maria Eugenia; Quan De Serrano, Julieta; Bulux, Jesus; Peerson, Janet M; Eagle, Patrice; Solomons, Noel W 1997.

رواية بين حبال الماء
"Coffee consumption and risk of coronary heart diseases: A meta-analysis of 21 prospective cohort studies"
# عشاق القهوة
"Coffee consumption as a factor in iron deficiency anemia among pregnant women and their infants in Costa Rica"
أقيموا بني أمي صدور مطيكم
"Association between coffee intake and gastroesophageal reflux disease: A meta-analysis"