This article needs additional citations for " Zahrani tribal governance [ ] Members of the tribe in Al Baha elected their in 2006, the first election of its kind in Saudi Arabia
, one of the companions of Muhammad• , and founder of the• He also helped legitimize and spread their royalty throughout the Arabs by against tribes that opposed the

نبذة عن قبيلة زهران

The tribe has also enjoyed royalty throughout its history, it was the first Arab tribe that ruled Persia modern day Iran [ ].

رمز قبيلة زهران
Ahmed Abdul Ghafur Attar, a Saudi poet and , said in an article that the language of the , especially that which is spoken in Belad Ghamdi and Zahran, is close to the Classical Language
Zahran tribe
The tribe to this day rules over
بخروش بن علاس
Zahran is a well-known tribe before and after Islam
Unsourced material may be challenged and removed is the homeland of Zahran and Ghamid
Large numbers, however, currently live in western mainly in , , and Dammam due to large migration from villages and small cities during the 1960s and '70s in search of a better life Notable people from Zahran tribe [ ]• It is regarded as one of the largest tribes in


Zahrani Arabic dialect [ ] Zahrani Arabic dialect is closely related to.

رمز قبيلة زهران
Banu 'Amr includes four divisions: Banu Bashir, Banu Harir, Banu Jundob and Banu 'Adwan Banu 'Adwan occupied in Syria and gave the village its name
قبيلة زهران
Banu Aws includes five divisions: Banu Hasan, Bal-Khirmar, Banu Kinanah not to be confused with , Banu 'Amir not to be confused with and Ahl Baydan
بخروش بن علاس
The tribes of Belad Ghamid and Zahran are a good example of this
It also ruled , , and , and many more major parts of Arabia , of modern day South , , and west of all , and south of Roughly , , , and south of
Banu Daws comprises three divisions: Banu Manhib, Banu Fahm and Banu Ali of the tribe of Zahran and one of the most successful commanders that fought the

قبيلة زهران

Dostal, Walter; Kraus, Wolfgang 2005-07-08.

نبذة عن قبيلة زهران
Robarts - University of Toronto
قبائل زهران ... نسب و ديار و تاريخ ..!!!
Schumacher, Gottlieb; Oliphant, Laurence; Le Strange, G
أصل قبيلة زهران من وين ، قبيلة زهران وش يرجعون
Many of them left their houses, homes and relatives and joined the prophet Mohammed in