The first round of voting required a two-thirds majority of the house, meaning 85 votes of the 127 member chamber, but Aoun closely failed to secure the necessary votes for the round winning just 83 votes, two less than required, while there were 36 blank ballots, 6 cancelled ballots and one ballot for MP Gilberte Zouein My grandfather and cousins fought in the American army
I know the power of the United States, its influence in the world The Daily Star Newspaper - Lebanon

Michel Aoun

The Memorandum of Understanding with Hezbollah enters in this context.

ميشال عون ... والدور المطلوب أن يلعبه
In 2005, a triggered by the erupted in Lebanon, resulted in the withdrawal of Syrian troops from the country
ميشال عون ... والدور المطلوب أن يلعبه
In the second round, an absolute 50 percent plus one majority of the quorum was needed, meaning 64 votes required for election
ميشال عون
was elected in his place
On 22 September 1988 during the of the , the departing President appointed him as the interim Prime Minister of a , after the parliament failed to elect a new president, and dismissed the current government headed by the Acting Prime Minister Selim Hoss Geagea was referring to his understanding with the former general over "the need to adopt an independent foreign policy that guarantees Lebanon's interests and complies with international law
The FPM failed however to win any seats in Northern Lebanon due mainly to the 2000 electoral law that gave the pro Hariri Muslim community of Tripoli an easy veto over any Christian candidate in its electoral district, thus falling short of its objective of holding the balance of power between the main "anti-Syrian" opposition coalition formerly known to be Syria's strong allies led by which won an absolute majority and the -dominated -Hezbollah alliance [ ] The Gulf War had its repercussions on Aoun's government

الرئيس اللبناني: الاستشارات النيابية لتسمية رئيس الوزراء ستجرى في موعدها . دار الحياة

Aoun and , wife of the imprisoned LF leader Samir Geagea since given amnesty , publicly reconciled.

الحزب يستعدّ لمرحلة ما بعد ميشال عون؟
After some hesitation about going, Aoun did travel to the United States, and met with several senators and representatives, but could not enter the congress because of the
ميشال عون
Since the end of the Syrian occupation of Lebanon, General Aoun has been seeking to improve his country's relationship with Syria
ميشال عون
35 Gilberte Zouein 1 0