Gunaid AA, Sumairi AA, Shidrawi RG, Al-Hanaki A, Al-Haimi M, Al-Absi S, Al-Huribi MA, Qirbi AA, Al-Awlagi S, El-Guneid AM, Shousha S, Murray-Lyon IM 8 1996 29220 25914 15731 4206 91418 0
British Journal of Cancer 1995; 71: 409—410• The best thing for their programs, the famous slogan, Eight working hours, are better than eight hours in the work There is no time for thinking you have no time too in order to make you obtains any advantage, nor you perform any work is deserve the mention, no time for visiting the relatives, no time for following most of the people whom practice this habit are unable to catch the exact times for prayers

حكم القات والدخان وحكم مصاحبة من يتناولهما

The questions are What is the opinion of Yemeni scholars? Everything going on paradox form this is the fact.

تعرف على فوائد وأضرار القات فى 3 نقاط
Giannini AJ, Miller NS, Turner CE 1992
المطلب الأوَّل: حكمُ شرب التبغِ (الدخان)
he will never listen to you, if he give you good answer that answer as he saying it is not your business, this is you will feel it by his physiognomy, or he will say OH please lets me enjoy I am busy I have no time to talk with you , and leave everything on ALLAH In fact this eating green leaves of QATT is aggressive enemy for the human and nature and economy the meaning it is destroy the health and occupied huge lands of farms it is better if they used those lands for profitable products as fruits and vegetables, this bad habit is extended in our society and increased the numbers of the poorness for low income group of people
حكم قضائي: حيازة من القات المحظور و 5 أسباب تخفف العقوبة
7 1993 24569 19495 16604 3737 84713 0
8 1994 25174 20409 12273 3562 86825 0 Adeoya-Osiguwa SA, Fraser LR 2007
the penalties are prohibited to use it during the task work time The punishments are a jail or finance fine, for the civilian people or regime staff Heymann TD, Bhupulan A, Zuriekat NEK, Bomanji J, Drinkwater C, Giles P

حكم الإسلام في القات أكلاً وزراعةً وبيعاً وشراءً وهديةً

Furthermore the excessive expenses of their money if we comparing the individual expenses with the family of minimum 7-8 persons, really we surprised the one person who buying those green leaves QATT he spending in monthly the same amount which will feed the whole family in per month, but I am sure if we make deep survey we will find the expenses is incredible.

حكم تناول القات
In the former system in the former people democratic republic of Yemen under the socialist party role they were programmed and controlled this habit; they allowed the people to enjoy with this habit in the official holidays and week end
المطلب الأوَّل: حكمُ شرب التبغِ (الدخان)
Khat chewing delays gastric emptying of a semi-solid meal
هل القات حرام إسلام ويب
"Cathine, an amphetamine-related compound, acts on mammalian spermatozoa via beta1- and alpha2A-adrenergic receptors in a capacitation state-dependent manner"
All they are arrogant because this is imaginary time, on imaginary airways, internal mind is effective, and so, it is difficult you cannot distinguish, is this doing on neither right nor wrong The response is one if you asking someone why you buy this it are expensive and not good for health too Despite there are differences in the human layers rich and poor even in the social life that's possible and naturally But in this habit all people are equals no difference and no diffidence
Oesophageal and gastric carcinoma in the Republic of Yemen Khat chewing and acute myocardial infarction

حكم مضغ القات

8 1998 32032 30331 23259 5447 97672 0.

هل القات حرام إسلام ويب
The subjective effects of chewing qat leaves in human volunteers
المطلب الثَّالث: حكمُ تناولِ القاتِ
Why Most of the countries are categorized it as drugs and execute the hard punishments on the people if eat it except Yemen and two or a three countries in AFRICA? Aliment Pharmacol Ther 1995; 9: 81—83
تعرف على فوائد وأضرار القات فى 3 نقاط
8 1995 27347 231104 12860 4046 88939 0