Complete the dialogue with any, some, many and much• I slept for only a few hours last night how do e get to the shopping centre? go straight on and the shipping centre is on your left , next to a car park
Complete the sentences with the correct question tag• However, there are no Mexican restaurants A: thanks , is it far? Our luggage is on the conveyor belt

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Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets• Complete the sentences and the puzzle and find the word in the gray boxes• I arrived at the supermarket and then I realized I had no money on me.

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Use used to where possible• F: what color do you like, yellow or red
It was a beautiful day Ali got very good marks
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yusef : whose is it? The room looks large because they have very little furniture in it.

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go past museum and turn right into hail street
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A: I like both yellow and red
EXPANSION Units 1-3 Unit 4: I Wonder What Happened salman : thanks for helping me move , yusef
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listen , read and match the names with the objects.

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question 2 : whose is it? Complete the dialogues with the past simple of the verbs in brackets
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I came across an old book while I was cleaning the garage