1, "Among the many branches of modern mathematics set theory occupies a unique place: with a few rare exceptions the entities which are studied and analyzed in mathematics may be regarded as certain particular sets or classes of objects Shasha, Dennis Elliot; Lazere, Cathy A
16: "Focused problem solving in math and science is often more effortful than focused-mode thinking involving language and people Castelvecchi, Davide 7 October 2015

مراجعة في المحيط والمساحة, الصف الثالث, رياضيات, الفصل الثاني, 2020/2021,

Zheng, Juntao; Liu, Niancai 2015.

محيط (هندسة رياضية)
American Mathematical Society 1991 reprint
معجم الرياضيات: مصطلحات وتعاريف الرياضيات
"The Three Crises in Mathematics: Logicism, Intuitionism, and Formalism"
The mathematical study of change, motion, growth or decay is calculus "Images of Mathematics Held by University Teachers of Mathematical Sciences"
Outlines of a Formalist Philosophy of Mathematics Bellos, Alex March 14, 2015


Wilder, Evolution of Mathematical Concepts; an Elementary Study, passim• , , sub "mathematics", "mathematic", "mathematics"• [I]t is first necessary to ask what is meant by mathematics in general.

تعريف المحيط — المحيطات هي الجزء الأكبر والأعظم من الغلاف المائي الكبير الذي
Bailey, David; Borwein, Jonathan; Borwein, Peter; Plouffe, Simon 1997
مراجعة في المحيط والمساحة, الصف الثالث, رياضيات, الفصل الثاني, 2020/2021,
قانون محيط المستطيل
Dehaene, Stanislas; Dehaene-Lambertz, Ghislaine; Cohen, Laurent Aug 1998
"Greek: an Essential Grammar of the Modern Language" You can point to a real live cow chewing its cud in a pasture and equate it with the letters c—o—w on the page
See, for example, Raymond L Oxford English Dictionary, on-line version 2012


"Cyclic proofs of program termination in separation logic".

تعريف المحيط — المحيطات هي الجزء الأكبر والأعظم من الغلاف المائي الكبير الذي
IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence
A Brief History of Mathematics
تعريف المحيط والمساحة — المساحة = طول الضلع × نفسه
"The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences"