Rosenberg, Alyssa November 6, 2014 This is because the end credits are played in an abbreviated slide-show form rather than scrolling from bottom to top , due to the size capacity of the IMAX platters, which can hold a maximum of 167 minutes of film
laid down two guidelines to strictly follow: nothing would violate established physical laws, and that all the wild speculations would spring from science, and not from the creative mind of a screenwriter "The Survival Rate of Ejected Terrestrial Planets with Moons"

ما بين النجوم

Only Interstellar has this feature.

قصة فيلم بين النجوم
Hayden, Erik March 8, 2013
السفر بين النجوم
I loved the acting and just yeah, a great movie and one you should go see if you never have
السفر بين النجوم
Sneider, Jonathan January 9, 2013
by Jon Cartwright, Science Now, 18 May 2011, Accessed 20 May 2011• "No large population of unbound or wide-orbit Jupiter-mass planets" Fritz, Ben July 24, 2014
McTighe, Frank August 28, 2013 We've also prepared a manual on how to use Interstellar

الفرق بين النجوم والكواكب (مع مخطط المقارنة)

The 70mm IMAX version is two minutes shorter than the regular 70mm, Digital IMAX, 35mm, and digital projection versions.

ما بين النجوم
"Life-sustaining planets in interstellar space? Fleming, Mike April 9, 2013
بيانات من Voyager
Sean Raymond 9 April 2005
ما شكل بين المساهمة في ولادة الحياة؟
Verrier, Richard; Horn, John April 2, 2014
"The Steppenwolf: A proposal for a habitable planet in interstellar space" Support for other hardware wallets is currently being developed
Zeitchik, Steven December 19, 2013 A newly discovered wormhole in the far reaches of our solar system allows a team of astronauts to go where no man has gone before, a planet that may have the right environment to sustain human life

Interstellar (2014)

"Unbound or Distant Planetary Mass Population Detected by Gravitational Microlensing".

فيلم Interstellar مترجم كامل HD قائم بين النجوم 2014
Verrier, Richard November 27, 2013
ما بين النجوم
المسافات بين النجوم
Fernandez, Jay March 24, 2007