The Romanticism gave us the much loved and much hated Byronic hero - a noble solitary scoundrel, misunderstood, lonely and suffering, brooding and disillusioned, dark and alluring, haughty and cynical, yet charismatic and irresistible to women, painfully self-aware — and blinding in his superiority to the otherwise banal and mediocre society No one caressed me; everyone insulted me
He tends to be spot-on in astute recognition of human fallacies, which fuels his cynicism And another favorite of mine

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He is very well-aware and almost alarmed by his purposelessness and a tendency towards self-destruction.

بطل من هذا الزمان 2000
A young man with a void in his heart, with needs that were impossible to satisfy, with the thought of death always in his head, couldn't be around the same people for a long time
ملخص رواية من هذا لميخائيل ليرمنتوف
He is not the one who is meant to be happy
بطل من هذا الزمان 2000
I understood this at the beginning
Yonder, at an immense height, is the golden fringe of the snow If the answer is NO, you better not read this book and also my super- superfluous words
He really wouldn't be out of place This book raises the questions of why we do somehow, irrationally, get attracted to such characters

ملخص رواية من هذا لميخائيل ليرمنتوف

I decided that I am not going to write anything about this book which is quite amazing and puzzling in its own ways.

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What is that spell, that thus his lawless train Confess and envy—yet oppose in vain? A classic example of an emotional vampire who, in his quest for a brief feeling of excitement and fulfillment, completely destroys the lives of those around him
مسلسل بطل من هذا الزمان
Linked with success, assumed and kept with skill, That molds another's weakness to its will; Wields with their hands, but, still to these unknown, Makes even their mightiest deeds appear his own
بطل من هذا الزمان 2000
But there is more than meets the eye in this duel
So the little brat kidnapped his own sister and then he got his beloved horse The novel is full of everlasting feelings and motives that ruled human beings in ancient times and keep ruling now
If there was a choice between youth and wisdom, which way will you travel? He whose lot it has been, as mine has been, to wander over the desolate mountains, long, long to observe their fantastic shapes, greedily to gulp down the life-giving air diffused through their ravines—he, of course, will understand my desire to communicate, to narrate, to sketch those magic pictures I would like to believe so

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Vanity extends his claws deep inside him.

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There is something in A Hero of Our Time that even time is powerless to destroy
بطل من هذا الزمان 2000
I am convinced that, while actual details from the five novellas included in the book and most of the characters are fictitious, the internal monologues and the big questions about life and fate, love and sadness, passion and tedium are coming more from the heart of the author than from his literary fancy
ملخص رواية من هذا لميخائيل ليرمنتوف
Hell, Pechorin is a piece of work! The character of Pechorin was far more intriguing than anyone else, and his part of the overall story I found the better