To commit With the agreements and partnerships that it makes the organization Sweetening Responsibility for his volunteer work to be reflected Positive for the organization and society
• 2- Due To the program coordinator or the authority on the In the event of problems or challenges 3- Aware Because it does not represent the organization to which it belongs Only, it is a representative of the nation, its values and principles

طريقة التسجيل في منصة التطوع وزارة الموارد البشرية

• Personal Positive : Personal Positivity is the generous, proactive personality That supports and contributes without waiting for anything, and it is A balanced personality, balanced between rights Duties and possess seriousness, and objectivity And perseverance.

منصة العمل التطوعي وزارة الموارد البشرية الرابط المباشر وطريقة التسجيل
• equality in dealing : Must That the equality of treatment be reflected in the performance The volunteer is on a clear and impartial basis far from All kinds of prejudice and racism
منصة العمل التطوعي وزارة الموارد البشرية الرابط المباشر وطريقة التسجيل
And so It is worth volunteering :• that Be aware and know the reference of inquiries About the policies and procedures in the organization
التسجيل بمنصة العمل التطوعي .. وزارة الموارد البشرية
that Take an open, positive side in dealing With the employees of the organization and harnessing the potential Available to him for the success of the volunteer projects That works out
To One Million Volunteers Voluntary work is a feature of vital societies, for its role in activating the energies of society, and enriching the nation with the achievements of its children and their arms • And for this Must Non-discrimination in providing volunteer service For beneficiaries based on race, color, or Sex, age, nationality, religion, or Physical or mental disability
Non Use of the organization's resources for purposes and benefits Personalized, in any way Abstinence For accepting any gift, service, or favors except Cases justified by rules and customs of hospitality And fitness

منصة العمل التطوعي وزارة الموارد البشرية الرابط المباشر وطريقة التسجيل


في السعودية.. إطلاق منصة العمل التطوعي لدعم التنمية المستدامة
Implement Tasks according to the approved structure and references In the organization
منصة العمل التطوعي وزارة الموارد البشرية
that He presents what he has with a positive and fruitful effect Around it
الإدارة العامة للتطوع
• that Benefit from volunteer work to raise experience Practical and professional