Project of Prophetic Hadith Encyclopedia and Its Translations: An integrated project to choose the Prophetic Hadiths in the Islamic content, explain them in a simplified and adequate way, translate them in a high quality based on accurate procedures into famous languages, then publish them through all available means Your browser does not support the video tag
Providing a developed, authentic, free, international reference for the Prophetic hadith translations

إسلام ويب


شرح مختصر للأحاديث
So the lack of smell represents the lack of recitation, and the bitter taste represents the lack of belief
مَثَلُ الْمُؤْمِنِ الَّذِي يَقْرَأُ الْقُرْآنَ مَثَلُ الْأُتْرُجَّةِ رِيحُهَا طَيِّبٌ وَطَعْمُهَا طَيِّبٌ
Citrons are especially cited here, for they are among the best fruits in all countries
شرح مختصر للأحاديث
Providing translations in all available means
The point here is that the inside of both is terrible and corrupt
This type of believer is like a citron, which is good in taste and smell, so people enjoy it both ways Translating the encyclopedia into languages

مَثَل قارئ القرآن

Both belief and sweetness are invisible.

الحلقة (34) مثل المؤمن الذي يقرأ القرآن
Continuous development of the encyclopedia and its translations
الدرر السنية
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اكتب مقالا من صفحتين تبين فيه فضل تلاوة القران الكريم واداب تلاوته
The good smell represents the recitation, and the bitter taste represents disbelief
Providing an electronic memory of Hadith translations for translators Allah is the grantor of success
It should be noted that using the word "recite" is intended for repetition and continuity, until one develops it as a habit Writing the encyclopedia in Arabic

الحلقة (34) مثل المؤمن الذي يقرأ القرآن


شرح وترجمة حديث: مثل المؤمن الذي يقرأ القرآن مثل الأترجة ريحها طيب وطعمها طيب
شرح حديث : ” مَثَلُ الْمُؤْمِنِ الَّذِي يَقْرَأُ الْقُرْآنَ … “
Being a believer is something good, like a good-tasting date fruit
شرح حديث مثَلُ المؤمن الذي يقرأ القرآن مَثَلُ الأُتْرُجَّةِ: ريحها طيب وطعمها طيب
They also look good, taste good, and have a pleasant touch