"Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, comorbidities, and risk situations" Berk M, Dodd S, Kauer-Sant'anna M, Malhi GS, Bourin M, Kapczinski F, Norman T 2007
Charney A, Sklar P 2018 Bipolar disorder in children and teens

ما هو الاضطراب الوجداني ثنائي القطب؟

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

ما هي قوى ثنائي القطب؟
"Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Bipolar Disorder Second Edition"
ثنائي قطب
"Definitions of Rapid, Ultrarapid, and Ultradian Cycling and of Episode Duration in Pediatric and Adult Bipolar Disorders: A Proposal to Distinguish Episodes from Cycles"
اضطراب ثنائي القطب
American Journal of Medical Genetics
The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2 : CD005169 "Impact of childhood stress on psychopathology"
"The clinical nature and formal diagnosis of premenstrual, postpartum, and perimenopausal affective disorders" "Grey matter differences in bipolar disorder: a meta-analysis of voxel-based morphometry studies"

اضطراب ثنائي القطب

Psychological Treatment of Bipolar Disorder.

اضطراب ثنائي القطب والزواج
The American Journal of Psychiatry
اضطراب ثنائي القطب والزواج
The American Journal of Psychiatry
كيف أعرف أني مصاب بـ اضطراب ثنائي القطب ؟
"Review and Meta-Analysis of Epidemiologic Studies of Adult Bipolar Disorder"
"The role of estrogen in bipolar disorder, a review" "Practice Parameter for the Assessment and Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Bipolar Disorder"
"Historical perspectives and natural history of bipolar disorder" The British Journal of Psychiatry

ثنائي قطب

"High Concordance of Bipolar I Disorder in a Nationwide Sample of Twins".

مرض الاضطراب ثنائي القطب.. الأعراض والأسباب وطرق العلاج
"Brain changes in early-onset bipolar and unipolar depressive disorders: a systematic review in children and adolescents"
اضطراب وجداني ثنائي القطب
Havens LL, Ghaemi SN 2005
اضطراب ثنائي القطب
Macritchie K, Geddes JR, Scott J, Haslam D, de Lima M, Goodwin G 2003